A 19years-old woman sprayed gas to a trolley-bus driver on 16th of June 2010. The spray reached the face, eyes and chest of the driver.
Proceedings started against the young woman in suspicion of violance against a person who carries out public duty. The police received the notification on Wednesday afternoon that a 19years-old female Berettyoujfalu resident sprayed a trolley-bus driver in Debrecen.
Officers found out that the woman oweda couple of thousands forints to the driver.The driver asked the money back but she refused to do so and ordered him to stop and opened the door and let her get off or she will use her gas spray.
The driver had opened thefront door, the girl sprayed him, left the bus and ran into the near cemetery.
policemen caught the girl on board of a bus shortly after the incident. She acknowledged her offence.